Rawkabilly had the opportunity to lend some clothes for a drama series 'Detik 12 Malam'. Our good friend Aishah needed some fun 'office wear' so we took up the offer. Thanks Aishah! Here, a sneak peak into the fitting that day and a few of the pieces that we have. Don't fret, more pics to come very very soon.
One's trash is another one's treasure. True to that, we carefully and tirelessly scout around everywhere and personally hand-pick pieces that are guaranteed to make people ask you, "Where did you get that??". Wear them to transport yourself to your favourite era or wear them as bold pieces and make a kick-ass fashion statement. Not only are they one of a kind and wearable, they are also affordable AND unconsciously you're doing your part- even for a bit- in saving the earth..in style! Lust after our beautiful and unique finds and give them a loving home with you. Flaunt them and let everyone know that you got it right here.
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