One lovely morning, I had to do an extra setup for my lovely BiBo because we have decided to do a photoshoot at my place. They arrived with complete set of accessories and equipments, erkss.. to be continue...
Regardless the pictures, Rawkabilly had friends over the bazaar x circus show by the Collision Art Asia group. Had a blast 3 days event at Publika, Dutamas Solaris, Hartamas even though the first day we had a rough day because we had to go through rainstorm. It was pretty bad until one of my railings fell and luckily my friends and some of my neighbor booth helped me to carry it up. Felt bless at that moment, the people around me are truly friendly and the spirit to help each other are still with each and every person at the event.
Pictures above compelled us with the beauty-ness of happiness. To cut it short, I had a wonderful 3 days event, thanx to Bijou Bazaar to invite me over to join this lovely event and met such wonderful people during it. Would love to be part of it again definitely :) Till then...
Creative heads such as Bibo (photographer), Neeza Rahim (make up artist) & me combined and create these wonderful pieces of arts with a Brazilian Model Naiguel.